Business Beyond Borders – destination Africa

Recently, in October 2017, Agnieszka Klimczak, Iddeni founder, has been nominated as Representative of Executive Board of Pomeranian Employers Association – for the MENA collaboration. In order to fulfil this subject, Iddeni is actively promoting Pomeranian employers and entrepreneurs in arabic countries, as well as supporting locally in Poland companies willing to establish their presence in MENA region.
About crossing the borders, preparing and introducing small business on the exotic markets, mentoring about what to do, and what better to avoid doing. For selected young entrepreneurs, Agnieszka Klimczak, as mentor, will work it out during Cross the Border, international mentoring project organized by Deal with Culture.
O przekraczaniu granic, otwieraniu się na trudne i egzotyczne kierunki, o tym jak to zrobić i czego nie robić. Dla wybranych przedsiębiorców / uczestników projektu Agnieszka Klimczak, jako mentor, przepracuje podczas międzynarodowego projektu mentorskiego organizowanego przez Deal With Culture.
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